Our mobile planetarium in your school, in-class presentations, or field trips to local observatories... the choice is yours!
All AstroGeo visits and tours may be supplemented with Educational Programs and hands-on activities led by our trained scientists, and linked to the Ontario elementary and secondary school curriculum.
We use state-of-the-art astronomy software to demonstrate and explain difficult-to-grasp concepts, and to tour the night sky indoors!
Our specialists are trained in indigenous astronomy, including alternative constellations and starlore from Ontario, Canada, and other world cultures.
Earth Science presentations use the powerful Layered Earth software, and incorporate rock and mineral samples, explanations of geological principles, and anecdotes from industry.
Teacher Support & Training
Teachers are invited to contact AstroGeo to book a session with one of our scientist educators. You will receive in-depth information and resources to aid in the classroom, including how to purchase and use a telescope, the best software and apps for students and educators, and recommended books and websites. We also offer software training sessions.

AstroGeo Programs
The following programs have been designed to focus on individual curriculum units or merging related units into larger themes:
- Observational Astronomy - Introductory or Advanced
- The Phases of the Moon
- Solar System Motions and Eclipses
- How Clocks and Calendars arise from Astronomy
- The Birth, Life, and Death of Stars
- Telescope Building Workshop
- Solar Science, Space Weather, and Aurorae
- Exoplanets and Searching for Other Earths
- Planetary Science and Exploration Missions
- Optics and the Nature of Light
- Astronomical Equipment - Binoculars, Telescopes, Cameras
- Rocks and Minerals
- Mining and Mineral Exploration, Geophysics
- Nature's Diary - Age Dating for Archaeology, Geology, and the Environment
Ontario Curriculum Linkages
We have programs for any grade - Junior Kindergarten to 12. Our Long Tour programs have been created to include literacy, numeracy, history, and art components. Customization is available upon request.
Understanding Earth and Space Systems
- Daily and Seasonal Changes, Grade 1
- Light and Sound, Grade 4
- Rocks and Minerals, Grade 4
- Space, Grade 6
- The Study of the Universe, Grade 9 Academic
- Space Exploration, Grade 9 Applied
- Light and Geometric Optics, Grade 10 Academic
- Light and Applications of Optics, Grade 10 Applied
Earth and Space Science
- Astronomy (Science of the Universe), Grade 12 Academic
- Planetary Science (Science of the The Solar System), Grade 12 Academic
- Recording Earth's Geological History, Grade 12 Academic
- Earth Materials, Grade 12 Academic