Tag: Saturn lunar occultation

Spotty Gas Giants, and Monday’s Full Sturgeon Moon is Blue and Super, Moseys Past Evening Saturn and then Meets Pre-dawn Pleiades!

My friend Andrea Girones of Ottawa captured and processed this spectacular view of the sun’s complete disk while attending the annual Starfest gathering on August 7, 2024. It beautifully captures the sun’s convection cell pattern, the dark elongated filaments and the prominences they become when viewed in profile around the sun’s limb (especially at right),…
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Jupiter Joins the Sun and the Morning Moon Posing with Planets Gives Us Galaxy-gazing!

The prominent galaxies Messier 81 or Bode’s Nebula (left) and Messier 82 or the Cigar Galaxy (right) are located near the Big Dipper’s bowl in the northern sky. This image by AstroDoc Ron Brecher of Guelph, Ontario from February, 2017 spans about 1.5 degrees, or three full moon diameters. Messier 81 is large and bright…
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