Tag: Saturn shadow transits

Spotty Gas Giants, and Monday’s Full Sturgeon Moon is Blue and Super, Moseys Past Evening Saturn and then Meets Pre-dawn Pleiades!

My friend Andrea Girones of Ottawa captured and processed this spectacular view of the sun’s complete disk while attending the annual Starfest gathering on August 7, 2024. It beautifully captures the sun’s convection cell pattern, the dark elongated filaments and the prominences they become when viewed in profile around the sun’s limb (especially at right),…
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Morning Moon Passing Sol Highlights Hercules on High, Our Star is Afar, Mercury Buzzes the Bees, and Matariki Returns!

This image of Messier 13, the Great Globular Star Cluster in Hercules was imaged by my friend Claudio Oriani in Richmond Hill, Ontario on May 30, 2023 using an 8″ SCT telescope. The cluster, also known as NGC 6205, is 24,000 light-years away from our sun. The cluster appears as a faint fuzzy patch in…
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Morning Moon Covers Planets, Spotty Saturn, Bring Out the Binoculars, and Mercury Mounts After Sunset!

This view of the southern evening sky at 11 pm local time for the latitude of Toronto shows how the Milky Way rises from the southern horizon and arcs across the eastern sky at this time of the year. The coloured symbols and labels are a selection of the brighter deep sky objects sprinkled available…
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