Tag: Venus-Uranus Conjunction

The Waxing Moon Meets Mars and Joins Gemini While Crossing the Sacred Hoop and We Wave Farewell to Jupiter and Hello to Mercury While Venus Vaults Higher!

This spectacular image by my friend Andrea Girones was taken recently at Morant’s Curve, Alberta using a DSLR with a 20mm lens on a star tracking mount. It captures the arc of faintly glowing reddish hydrogen gas around Orion and the nimbus around his head (at left), the bright compact Rosette Nebula (upper left), Mars…
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Comets, Venus Kisses the Seventh Planet, Evening Moon Spells LOVE, Smashes a Scorpion Claw and Darts Over Double Stars!

A high resolution image of the moon’s Imbrium Basin, captured by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. From Monday to Friday this week, the lunar terminator will march across this huge feature in the moon’s northern hemisphere, showing off its best aspects. Hello, June Stargazers! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of June 5th, 2022…
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