Tag: Beehive Cluster

Morning Moon Passing Sol Highlights Hercules on High, Our Star is Afar, Mercury Buzzes the Bees, and Matariki Returns!

This image of Messier 13, the Great Globular Star Cluster in Hercules was imaged by my friend Claudio Oriani in Richmond Hill, Ontario on May 30, 2023 using an 8″ SCT telescope. The cluster, also known as NGC 6205, is 24,000 light-years away from our sun. The cluster appears as a faint fuzzy patch in…
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Awesome Aurorae, Gorgeous Luna Grows in Evening, Planets Parade in the Pre-Dawn, and Big Dipper Benefits!

I captured this image of the once-in-a-lifetime aurora borealis on May 10, 2024 at 10:41 pm, from the trail behind my house in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. Despite somethin cloud we were able to see the aurorae in motion. The green glow is from singly ionized oxygen. The blue arises from nitrogen and the purples come…
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Northern Spring Begins While the Waxing Evening Moon Somewhat Spoils Comet Views!

This Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter image shows the major features of Mare Imbrium “he Sea of Rains”, including its eastern ring of mountain ranges,dark crater Plato, the “islands” in the north, Archimedes, and the subtle wrinkles. Other lunar maria are out of frame below the large crater Copernicus (botton centre). NASA Hello, Spring Stargazers! Here are…
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Looking at Lunar Origins, the Waxing Moon Oversees Evening, and Morning Venus Kisses Mars!

Prominent features on the moon for unaided eyes, binoculars, and backyard telescopes have been marked on this image by Michael Watson of Toronto. While none of the equipment is visible from Earth, the red numerals mark the Apollo landing sites. Hello, Mid-winter Stargazers! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of February 18th, 2024…
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The Waning Moon Moves Post-midnight, Leaving Lucky Aquarius and Plenty of Planets to Shine!

This image of the large, faint, and spectacular Helix Nebula was taken through the 16″ telescope owned by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and operated remotely from its location in Sierra, California. Ian Barredo re-processed the raw images to produce this award-winning result. The planetary nebula is the corpse of a star of mass…
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Morning Zodiacal Light, The Great Bear Bows Down, and the Moon Passing the Sun Grants Views of Great Galaxies!

This terrific image of Jupiter was captured by my friend Claudio Oriani from his home in Richmond Hill, Ontario on September 5, 2023. More of his work can be enjoyed at his website https://www.wondersofthesky.com/about/ Hello, mid-September Stargazers! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of September 10th, 2023 by Chris Vaughan. Feel free to…
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The Waxing Moon Meets Venus in Evening While Morning Planets Dance!

This image by Michael Watson of Toronto nicely captured earthshine on the waxing crescent moon after sunset on March 8, 2019. Michael’s terrific galleries of moon images are hosted on his Flickr page. Hello, May Stargazers! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of May 21st, 2023 by Chris Vaughan. Feel free to pass…
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The Waning Moon Leaves Evening, Gemini Ejects Meteors, Bright PM Planets, and Cassiopeia’s Best!

Geminids Meteors viewed from Chile, a four-hour composite imaged by Yuri Beletsky at Las Campanas Observatory in 2013. Orion is upside-down at left and the twin stars Castor and Pollux sit near bright Jupiter at centre. NASA APOD for December 8, 2019. Hello, mid-December, Stargazers! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of December…
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The Waning Moon’s Crescent Covers Leo’s Heart, Orionids Meteors Multiply, and Autumn Sights to See!

This long exposure image of the Triangulum Galaxy, also known as Messier 33 and NGC 598, was captured by Steve McKinney of Toronto in 2012. His photo covers a thumb’s width of the sky, but it has been rotated by 180 degrees from a binoculars view. Look for the 2.7 million light-years-distant galaxy climbing the…
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Northern Autumn Arrives, Interplanetary Dust Appears, Evening Planets A-plenty, and the Waning Moon Gives Galaxy Views!

Wayne Parker captured this terrific image of the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31) and its small, bright elliptical companions Messier 32 (to the left of the main core) and Messier 110 (to the lower right of the main core) during the annual Starfest Star Party near Mt. forest, Ontario in August, 2022. The image covers about…
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