Category: Skylights

Science Outreach Specialists

Bright Giants in Evening, The Young Moon Veers Past Venus, and Pegasus Flies High!

This image of the bright globular cluster Messier 15 in Pegasus was taken by Ron Brecher in February, 2015. This image spans about one degree of the sky. Ron’s galleries of fine astro-images can be enjoyed at his website Hello, October Stargazers! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of October 3rd, 2021…
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Moon Moves to Morning, Easy Evening Planets, and Celestial King Cepheus!

This image of the Iris Nebula in Cepheus was captured through a RASA 11-inch f/2.2 Astrograph telescope and a ZWO ASI294MC Pro CCD camera by Gary Colwell at the North Frontenac Dark Sky Preserve northeast of Toronto, Canada. It shows both the reflection nebulosity and the surrounding dark dusty regions. The image spans 1.5 degrees…
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The Harvest Moon Hosts Rays and Maria, and the Equinox Announces Northern Autumn!

I’ve annotated this image of the full moon taken by Michael Watson of Toronto. The dark maria are labelled in yellow with their Latin names. Major craters and those with ray systems are in blue. the red numerals show the Apollo landing sites, although the equipment is not visible from Earth. Hello, Autumn Harvest Stargazers!…
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An Eye on Jupiter, Lunar LOVE, Maximum Mercury, Nearest Neptune, and Galaxy Gazing!

When Callisto’s round, black shadow crosses Jupiter on Friday night, September 17 between 6:15 pm and 11 pm EDT, it will be on, or near, the Great Red Spot – as shown in this simulated view for 8 pm EDT. The shadow will gradually slide to the left of the spot as Jupiter’s rotation outpaces…
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Pre-Sunrise Scattered Sunlight, Best Neptune, Young Moon Meets Inner Planets and the Scorpion’s Snippers, and Soaring with Cygnus!

This gorgeous image of the North America Nebula, and the Pelican Nebula to its right, was captured by Roman Kulesza. The pink colour arises from glowing hydrogen gas. Opaque dust in the foreground is separating the single large gas cloud into two nebulas, and producing the unique shapes. It was the SkyNews Photo of the…
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A Spotty Sun, Morning Luna’s Silver Sliver, Dotted Jupiter and Ringed Saturn Ride the Sea-Goat, and Looking at Lyra!

This full-disk image of the sun in visible wavelengths was taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite on August 29, 2021. It shows the huge sunspot group designated AR2860 that is currently visible by anyone using safely filtered telescopes, pinhole projectors, and eclipse viewers. That active region is emitting strong M-class flares. Visit and…
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The Blue Black Cherries Moon Looks Brown, Bright Planets’ Satellites Sparkle, and the Dragon’s Bright Lights!

This photograph of the moon by Michael Watson of Toronto was taken 9 hours after its full phase. It will closely match the appearance of the moon after it rises on Sunday night, August 22 in the Americas. A thin strip along the moon’s right-hand limb will already be darkening, and the craters there will…
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A Star Surprises Us, the Full Moon Follows Max Jupiter, and Sights Despite Moonlight!

This simulated image of Jupiter shows how it will appear at opposition on Thursday night, August 19, 2021, when the Great Red Spot and Io and its shadow will be transiting the planet, as shown here at 10:30 pm EDT. (From Stellarium) Hello, August Stargazers! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of August…
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The Perseids Peak Mid-week, the Moon Passes Planets in Evening, and Gas Giants Gleam Overnight!

This amazing composite image by my friend Bill Longo of Toronto was captured in 2015. The International Space Station pass was part of his imaging plan. But the Perseids Meteor shower peak also delivering an aurora borealis (greens and purple) was pure luck! Hello, Perseids Enthusiasts! Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of…
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The Morning Moon Helps Meteors Mount and the Eagle’s Sights, Evening Star Venus, and Shiny Saturn at Opposition near Jupiter!

The Ghost of the Moon planetary nebula aka NGC 6781 in Aquila, photographed by the European Southern Observatory 3.6-m Telescope at the La Silla Observatory in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The image spans 4.5 arc-minutes of sky, or 15% of the full moon. The object is an expanding sphere of gas – the outer shells…
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